Another fight, feels just like the last one. What was that one about? Do you even remember? Probably not, but you do know this feeling all too well. You want your relationship, but can it be sustained if it’s so painful? How did you even get here?
You are certainly not alone. Modern couplehood is so challenging. The potential for misunderstandings, conflict and miscommunication is ever present, and unless addressed, sows the seeds for disconnection, discontent, and even breaking up
Imago Relationship Therapy is a specialized form of therapy established in 1988 by Harville Hendrix. Imago therapists help couples re-engage in a safe and supported way, allowing partners to find each other, create loving ways to work through conflict, and enhance emotional intimacy. Through both workshop and private therapy formats, couples can learn the skills needed to stay, or even fall back, in love.
Learning Skills
If you knew how to talk so your partner could listen, and listen so your partner would talk, your conflicts would be manageable. However, few of us were taught these skills. A Certified Imago Therapist can assist you in developing the necessary skills and tools to bring your relationship to its potential. Imagine being able to address hurts, questions, feelings and conflicts in a safe, completely engaged and connected way that takes you and your beloved to resolution together. That is the essence of Imago Therapy.
Becoming Who You Are Meant To Be
Imago Therapists know that intimate partnerships are the ideal setting for individual challenge and growth. By learning the skills necessary for in-depth dialogs with your partner, you also have the chance to address current and past wounds that you may not have known existed. Those limiting pains, beliefs and feelings can then be healed as you grow ever closer to both your partner and your best self.
…And Helping Your Partner Too
Working with an Imago therapist will allow you and your partner a greater understanding of each other that will allow you both to stretch and grow. By keeping the couple in a safe and structured dialog, and Imago Therapist helps partners navigate complex issues while staying supportive of one another and of the relationship. Once learned, the tools couples learn with Imago last a lifetime, cultivating deeper and more meaningful bonds.
The Imago Method
Bitterness, rage, shaming and criticism are all obstacles to meaningful communication. A Certified Imago Therapist has the skills needed to teach couples the essential skills of dialog that allow for an understanding, supportive and loving foundation from which to address conflict.
Most of us need help with these skills – and all of us benefit from improved communication. Certified Imago Therapists have helped countless couples re-engage. At home, those same coupes return time and again to the skills they’ve learned to keep their relationship refreshed, strong and vital.